Ocean Innovations represents many of the leading manufacturers of underwater equipment and marine technology. The products we provide are used by oceanographic researchers, commercial, military and scientific divers, hydrographic surveyors, environmental engineers, defense contractors, and the offshore industry. Products include acoustic modems, acoustic releases, altimeters, antifouling coatings, batteries, cable, cable reels, cameras, connectors, CTD's, current Meters, data telemetry, flotation spheres, GPS receivers, iDive iPad Housings, lasers, lights, (re)location products, mechanical and hydraulic, motion reference/positioning & data transfer systems, navigation, pressure housings, pressure relief valves, pressure testing, resin/splice kits, side scan sonars, mechanical sonars, multibeam sonars, survey sensors, tide gauges, tracking systems, video cameras, water sample bottles, wave gauges & buoys, and winches. Our product lines include SubConn, MetOcean and Novatech beacons, Marshall Underwater, DeepSea Power & Light, Tritech, BellaMare, Deep Trekker, Falmat Cable, Guatek, iXBlue, Nautilus Marine Service, Teledyne SeaBotix, Teledyne RDI, SeaLeutians, 3M Scotchcast Resin Kits, and many more. We also offer consulting services for customized projects at nearly all levels.