The Mission of NHS is to promote and sustain affordable housing options for low and moderate income individuals and families, to renew pride, restore confidence, promote reinvestment, and revitalize neighborhoods. Priorities within the mission:1) Promote Homeownership and Affordable Rental Options a. Secondary Market Sources to recycle capital for purchase; b. Identify Additional Sources to capital for purchase; c. Provide Safe Affordable Homes for purchase and/or Rental; d. Provide Education and technical assistance for Homebuyers and Homeowners2) Sustain Homeownership a. Provide grants and loans for rehabilitation for existing homeowners; b. Provide education, technical assistance, and counseling to homeowners; c. Provide HUD Housing counseling services to homebuyers3) Revitalize Neighborhoods a. Acquire and Secure vacant properties in distressed neighborhoods; b. Monitor and assist with pivotal community projects; c. Establish relationships with government, community groups, and businesses to provide impacts in distressed neighborhoods.The primary activities that will support the priorities identified above include: 1) Counseling, Training, Technical Assistance, and Education – 2) Lending and Funding – 1st and 2nd Mortgage Loans; and grants.3) Revitalizing Neighborhoods – Rental/Purchase/Rehab/Resale. All NHS programs will contribute to these primary activities.