Forde is a California General Partnership located in Ventura County, California. We are a California Department of General Services and California Unified Certification Program certified small business, and a California Public Utilities Commission certified woman and minority owned business. Forde provides a wide range of biological services ranging from general and species-specific biological surveys to large-scale construction monitoring. Forde's In-House Permits include -10(a)(1)(A) Federal Fish and Wildlife Permit (TE-062907-6) authorize quino checkerspot butterfly presence-absence surveys and southwestern willow flycatcher, California gnatcatcher, and least Bell's vireo presence-absence and nest surveys.Federal Bird Marking Permit (23529): Authorizes capture, banding, and marking of southwestern willow flycatcher.CDFW Memorandum of Understanding (MOU 10-16-2012) - Authorizes capture of bats using mist nets, hand nets, and harp traps.CDFW Memoranda of Understanding (MOU-3-5-2012) - Authorizes western yellow-billed cuckoo presence-absence surveys. CDFW Memoranda of Understanding (MOU-5-1-2008) - Authorizes southwestern willow flycatcher, California gnatcatcher, and least Bell's vireo presence-absence and nest surveys.CDFW Memoranda of Understanding (MOU-3-5-2012) - Authorizes trapping and sacrifice of brown-headed cowbirds.CDFW Memoranda of Understanding (MOU-3-5-2012) - Authorizes presence-absence surveys and capture of Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog. CDFW Scientific Collectors Permit (SCP-3750) - Includes authorization to conduct surveys for reptiles including western pond turtle, desert tortoise, amphibians including California red-legged frog, arroyo toad, Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog, birds including willow flycatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, least Bells vireo, California gnatcatcher, burrowing owl, and small mammals.