"Brother's IT Ltd." is a sole proprietorship Company and DIGISHOPBD.com is a sister concern of Brothers IT Ltd.The company is having a noble Objective of delivering genuine brand products at the best price in Bangladesh.Every Company is having large numbers of goals as for why they stand for or what is the main reason to be in the market and like that our Company is having some goals are mentioned below:1. Delivering Branded goods at the best price in Bangladesh.2. To cope up the business relation with other vendor and supplier in the Country.3. keeping promises done by the Company Policymakers.4. Building Customer relationship.5. Maintaining the quality of the product.6. Ensure the brand promise to deliver it to the right Customer.7. Maintaining after sales service.8. Collecting Feedback from Customer.9. According to the feedback need to modify or improve the service.10.Ensuring that repeating customers are coming back or not etc."We Strongly Believe that Customer is the King of every Business"