Nonprofit-Partners is an experienced consulting firm with a focus on the nonprofit community. Our approach is built in response to the goals you define. In our initial conversation with you, we will work to clarify the outcomes and results you hope to achieve. After an opportunity to reflect, we will respond with a proposal designed to meet your needs within the budget and other parameters you outline. The proposal will describe the consulting, training and facilitation skills we will bring to achieve the results you desire. For example, in designing a strategic planning process, we will work with a representative group of board and staff to identify the scope of the plan you want, to identify stakeholders and define the depth of information gathering and analysis you desire. We will work with your planning group to develop a board/staff retreat agenda using a variety of techniques designed to maximize participation, increase dialogue and build commitment to the decisions reached. We will work with you to identify the type of planning document you need and negotiate the level of involvement you want in moving into the operational planning phase. Each organization is unique and we would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and how we might be of service to your organization.