As innovation and technology consultants, we support customers in the development of digital business. We bring together what belongs together - innovation, know-how, approach and technical competence - to shape their digital future. Together we take the matter in hand. Forging plans, realizing prototypes, integrating systems, expanding and upgrading.This is how we take responsibility - by acting, always with an eye on development, progress and innovation. This includes trying things out, simply doing it and learning from experience. Because waiting and drinking tea is not an option.It requires courage. Courage to try things out and take risks in order to create something that actually unites all the subdivisions of a company. That is our goal, our incentive, our ambition! We would like to seize the opportunity to create quick and appropriate solutions that will meet the changes of the future and all subdivisions of a company.With innovative power, excellent consultants and clever minds, we are gaining speed. Answering questions, solving problems and creating a completely new, previously often unused path to the goal. What comes out are individual IT solutions whose effect reaches into every corner of the company.We would be happy to discuss your requirements and the possibilities for realising them.CONTACTobjective partner AGMountain road 45/169469 WeinheimT +49 6201 3986-0F +49 6201 3986-12E info@objective-partner.comW http://www.objective-partner.comW http://www.reportfellow.comSeat of the company: Weinheim, register court: Mannheim, HRB 700466, Ust-Id No. DE173591044Board of Directors: Dipl. Inform. Andreas Bader, Dipl. Inform. Michael Thron, Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Manfred Schneider____________________________________________________Jobs: