BYTES & BOTS offers BitFolium, a cloud based ePortfolio, Maker Lab Services, Prototyping, Software and App Development Services, Innovator Boards, 3D Printer Controllers, and Integrated STEM Educational Project Advising & mentoring.Programs Offered:- Year-round after-school educational robotics, coding, game development, IoT Apps, Raspberry pi, Arduino, 3D printing, Engineering Design, and Rapid Prototyping classes- Summer/Winter/Spring Camps- BYTES & BOTS STEM Club annual membership- Birthday parties- Corporate Team Building Events- Teacher Training- Robotics and Engineering Merit Badges for Boys & Girls Scouts- PTA Fundraiser WorkshopsOur Vision:Creating Problem Solvers and Solution Providers for a Better TomorrowOur Mission:Use the motivational effects of robotics and smart devices to excite this and future generations of children to study science, technology, engineering, math, and acquire soft skills via hands-on 'mini-projects' using open source learning platforms.Our Objectives:- Provide STEAMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math & Soft Skills) and project based education to K-12 students using educational robotics and smart devices as a progressive learning platform.- Develop and share an inquiry-based integrated STEM curriculum.- Provide an Integrated Learning Environment to promote the 5 Cs such as Critical thinking, Creative problem-solving, Communications, Collaboration, and Cross-cultural relationship building, and the 4 Rs - Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, and Robotics.