I came up with the idea a few years ago based on both my love of super-hot and sweets. I wanted to invent something powerfully hot, yet satisfyingly sweet that was portable enough to carry around in your pocket. Once I solidified the final recipe, and crafted their micro-sweet size/shape, I discovered these little beasts actually fire you up! I did the research and it turns out the capsaicin within the organic habanero and ghost peppers in Danger Snacks triggers an instant endorphin release. Originally I always thought I loved eating super hot stuff because I liked the flavor, but it turns out it actually provides an immediate head change as a pain response. Danger Snacks wake you up when you need it, whether it's training, competing, if your driving home tired in traffic, or bored at work or school. It's also only 2 calories each and makes for a great substitute for high-calorie sweet treats because the heat slows you down.Most recently, a handful of super talented bmxers (Anthony Bucardo, Marquise Montgomery, Kieth Grine, Eric Baca, Cristian Becerine, Chad Harper, Brendan O'Brien, Jason Morris, Courtney Tomei, etc) have been using them as a pre-workout boost in the gym or at the track.