Site Development Services, Inc. is a Professional Site Development Estimating Company proudly serving the land development industry since 1989. We specialize in Earthwork Quantity Takeoffs, Land Development Cost Estimates, Sitework Quantity Takeoffs, Balanced Site Grades, Feasibility Cost Estimates, Budget Cost Estimates and more. We can provide complete site estimating services in the form and detail that suit your specific needs. Our software and extensive experience enables us to perform each estimate quickly and accurately for Clearing, Demolition, Erosion Control, Earthwork, Unsuitable Soils, Mass Rock Blasting and Excavation, Utility Rock Blasting and Excavation, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer, Utility Spoils, Site Concrete, Pavement, Sidewalks, Trails, Retaining Walls, and LandscapingClients:Builders, Land Planners, Architects, General Contractors, Construction Managers, Property Owners, Civil Engineers, Developers, Site Contractors, Landscape Architects, Municipalities, and AttorneysOur Services can be utilized during virtually any phase of the land development process.Site Feasibility Phase SDS provides earthwork analyses, balanced site grade, and feasibility cost estimates based on as little as existing topo, a rough layout of roads, parking and building locations, and a minimal of proposed spot elevations.Site Design Phase SDS provides assistance in balancing, quantifying and estimating alternative design schemes in order to minimize design and land development costs.Estimating & Budgeting Phase SDS provides quick, realistic cost estimates or quantities for your own price estimating and comparisons.Construction Phase SDS provides detailed quantity and cost information with effective backup documentation that can be utilized in negotiating bids, change orders, or settling disputes. Our computer generated site cut/fill plans, cross sections and volume reports provide excellent field management support.