Professional Home Inspection ServiceYou've arrived in Canada. One of the mostimportant tasks ahead of you is finding a place tolive. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation(CMHC) has prepared this book to help you find acomfortable place to live in a friendlyneighbourhood.Canada offers many different types of housing and awide range of prices. Finding the right place for youand your family to live will take some effort.The Newcomer's Guide to Canadian Housinganswers your questions about renting or buying ahouse. It gives you the right questions to asklandlords, building superintendents, real estate salesrepresentatives, property managers and lenders.Giving a complete picture of Canadian housing isdifficult, because housing in each of the 10 provincesand three territories is different. There are differencesin housing types, largely because of different climateconditions. Prices are different. They depend onlocal economic and employment conditions and thenumber of houses and apartments available.You will have to be flexible.