At Emerging Technology Solutions we believe new innovation is not always some new gadget, tool or application. Sometimes, actually most often, innovation is being able to look at what you do differently and applying new thoughts, tools, gadgets or app's to streamline a process and/or reaching clients new or old better more efficiently and effectively all the while increasing profits for your firm.Mobile Technology- however you define it- Smartphone's, tablets, cloud, etc…is enabling this new emerging technology. But as history has shown us by many failed innovations, technology just for the sake of technology does last long. We believe Mobile Technology allows companies to envision a better, faster more streamlined way to do business more efficiently internally and at the same time see a new more innovative way to touch existing and new clients.Organizations are using Tablets and Smartphone's to streamline field operations in manufacturing, insurance, banking, health care and in every other industry as well. Not only to capture information better but also to engage with the client at the time the client needs them the most. They are also doing this from a Strategic mindset and a secure one as well.Everything in your organization needs to be reevaluated and a Strategic Plan needs to be put in place that will allow your organization to become more efficient and effective in everything it does to create the greatest return for all of the stakeholders in the organization.