Head Of Business Development at GLOBAL CONTAINER LINES INDIA PVT LTD - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
GLOBAL CONTAINER LINES INDIA PVT.LTD.LTD., was incorporated at Mumbai in the year2012 by team of young individuals holding experience of more than 15 years in theLogistics business with an aim to offer cost effective and transparent services.GCLIPLis committed towards complete understanding and fulfilment of needs of ourclients with an aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. We are also committed tomaintain efficient service delivery performance through continually improving oursystems, processes and teamwork.Our vision & mission:GCLIPL's vision is to continue exploring newer success and become the leading logisticservice provider across the world by building long term positive relationships. OurMission is to establish a successful and everlasting partnership with our clients, our staffmembers and our Principle companies, that respect the interest and goals of each party