Evcasa is the online shop launched by Bursan Paslanmaz. Bursan Group was founded by Namik Turker in 1985. In early years, while concentrating on stainless kitchenware, the group specialized on porcelain and glass products in time. Bursan Group is successfully distrubuting the consumer goods of European well known brands like Seltmann, Königlich Tettau, Weimar, Falkenporzellan, Crystalex, Crystalite, Arcos, etc. Since 2013, the group is known as an expert on decorated glassware. In her own facilities, Bursan is decorating glass and porcelain products. All these decorations are hand made and can be called art. Leonarte Casa, one of the rising and shining brands of group, is the face of the company on porcelain and glass products. Leonartecasa products, especially the creatively decorated Bohemian glasses, are well known and praised products in market.