Human and Machine Safety,The KBT brand offers you products manufactured in accordance with the heavy industry so that you can reliably protect and monitor your conveyor belt systems. All products are 100% manufactured in Turkey all, kinds of customization are provided when desired. All models in our product group are designed to withstand extreme conditions and are produced in high quality.Our goal is to support you in the field of 'monitoring' in heavy industry conveyor belt systems. It is also to maximize your safety responsibility by supporting you. The important advantages we offer to our valued customers are; our technical excellence, our industrial expertise, our short delivery times and high quality product production.We have been in the industry for many years,our market experience, proximity to end users and many years of experience in mechanical engineering It is reflected in our products, after the R&D and test times of all our products we would like to state that we offer our customers.In this sense 'KBT' brand is the world's leading heavy industry industrial security is a candidate to be among the equipment providers.We provide versatile service to our customers with Lever Belt Misalignment Switches, Pull Cord Emergency Switch,Tilt Switch and many different products.You can easily use our products manufactured in accordance with international security standards and necessary certificates to your system.It has standards such as CE, EAC, TSE, ISO, ATEX.