Hanginout is a San Diego based tech company that owns and produces the Hanginout branded mobile web suite of products. Founded in 2011, Hanginout has developed several proprietary products involving the production and hosting of mobile video content. The Hanginout App is the first of its kind social media app that gives users the ability to easily build and publish personal video profiles complimented with a video publishing tool to create mobile video content. With Hanginout, a user can explore, find and follow interesting people, celebrities and personalities, ask them questions and actually get their personal video response to them instantly. Hanginout gives users the unique ability to field questions from anyone in the app, easily record, publish responses and share them from anywhere at anytime creating meaningful, interesting, relevant and, most importantly authentic conversations. For information on the company visit www.hanginout.com Download the app http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hanginout/id560006792?ls=1&mt=8