The Earth Locker podcast is hosted by prestigious actors Tom Hopper and Robert Sheehan currently cast mates on the hit show ‘Umbrella Academy' and the dungaree wearing producer and health enthusiast Byron Knight.The Earth Locker podcast is all about how we as humans can better ourselves, and ultimately live an optimal and fully regenerative and happy lifestyle. That comes down to what we put in our bodies, the energy we put out, and the choices we make because of those things. We'll be unlocking all of Earths secret experts and amazing life stories to the masses so they in turn can learn to be healthier in the future.We'll be talking to experts in all fields of how to achieve these things. Including some amazing world rebound functional medicine doctors, regenerative farmers, people with inspiring stories about incredible health turnarounds, meditation experts, nutritionists, name it. If it's someone that is aiming to make us all better humans for this planet, we'll talk to them, and we'll all learn from them.