Dentist at 'Heartbeat - La Chaine de L''Espoir' - Beirut, Beirut Governorate, Lebanon
Heartbeat is a humanitarian, charitable organization with a mission to provide the highest level of advanced surgical technology and expertise available to treat children with heart disease, regardless of country of origin, race or religion.\\--\\DID YOU KNOW? \1% of the world's population is born with heart disease making it the most common birth defect. Many congenital heart defects can be repaired with one surgical intervention, some require staged repairs.\\1% of children born with heart malformation, is equivalent to nearly 600 cases per year in Lebanon. If not treated, these diseases are the first cause of death before the age of 1, but if treated, the survival rate exceeds 95%.\\It is every child's right to be born into a world where he can grow to be strong and make his parents proud. It is not, however, every child's destiny!\\Throughout the past few years, Heartbeat has organized several fund-raising concerts. All concerts were major successes, with audience of more than 15,000 people and the contribution of more than 150 sponsors.\\With the funds collected during these events, Heartbeat has been able to offer surgical treatment for more than 600 newborns and children suffering from congenital heart problems.\\You can also help by making a small contribution.\We count on you!\\--\\For your donations: Heartbeat – Bank Audi, Sofil Branch\\LBP Account IBAN Code: LB81 0056 0003 2517 9462 0010 0901\USD Account IBAN Code: LB49 0056 0003 2517 9462 0020 0902