At the Thin Green Line Foundation, we recognise the unsung heroes of conservation – Rangers. We believe that Rangers are the frontline defence for nature conservation. They defend our wildlife, wild places and cultural sites, often putting their own lives at risk to do so, yet their contributions often go unrecognised. Approximately 100 Rangers die each year on the line of duty, with little or no support for families after their passing. Many of these deaths result from a lack of adequate equipment or training and could therefore be avoided through strategic investment and intervention. The Thin Green Line Foundation works with Ranger organisations, community enterprises and environmental NGO's to improve the livelihoods and working conditions of Rangers and their families globally. Through this work we increase community engagement in conservation, promote Indigenous and local knowledge within land management, improve the rights and recognition of Rangers, and support underfunded conservation projects worldwide.Our projects are firmly focused on supporting Rangers' needs through four key pillars:Train: Offering training opportunities for Rangers to up-skill. Equip: Providing equipment that ranges form basic uniform items to technology, so Rangers can conduct their roles to the highest standard. Support: During the darkest times we help the families of Rangers whose lives are lost on the line of duty. Connect: Providing networking opportunities for Rangers at international events, advocating for Rangers and supporting projects that connect Rangers with communities living in and around protected areas.