Founder and Owner of Mother Down Under at Mother Down Under - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Birth and parenthood feel big…and this naturally makes parents-to-be feel overwhelmed. The accounts we hear usually don't put us at ease. You might have been told "don't bother with a birth plan" or "just get the epidural" or "make sure you sleep a lot now because you won't be sleeping once the baby arrives." It feels impossible to look forward to giving birth and to parenthood…let alone to actually have a positive experience!Knowledge is power. Preparation is key. These are perhaps overused sentiments. But they are true. And those who have the most positive birth experiences recognise this!If you think of other major life events, you wouldn't sit an important exam without studying and you wouldn't run a marathon (or even a 10K) without training. Birth is no different. The first step towards a positive birth is taking ownership of that experience. The next steps are informing yourself and doing the work!After completing our Positive Birth Program parents-to-be- feel prepared and in control- are educated about their choices and empowered to make the best decisions for them- describe themselves as feeling positive and looking forward to giving birth and becoming a parentMother Down Under helps parents-to-be OWN their experience rather than feel OVERWHELMED by it.Let's get you feeling good about doing birth and parenthood your way!