School Social Worker at Paterson Charter School For Science And Technology - PATERSON, NJ, US
The mission of PCSST supports our vision for a new public school that:· Will encourage all students to not just graduate but desire to pursue higher education or occupations that will continually challenge their intellect;· Will work to transform all students into citizens who think independently, critically, creatively, and morally;· Will foster self-esteem and engender all students to view themselves as valuable and to take responsibility for their actions;· Will be an enthusiastic, dynamic learning environment staffed with instructors committed to teaching to high standards and meeting the learning needs of students, both collectively and individually;· Will be a learning community with and established, accessible connection between the quadrangle of stakeholders – students; parents; school; community – which nurtures and supports for all students their academic, emotional, and physical development;· Is a learning environment that sustains high academic achievement for all students through ongoing authentic assessments and open accountability to all stakeholders.The mission of PCSST articulates a public school model that promotes education reform in that it is responsive to the needs and hopes of the stated goals and objectives adopted by the State Board of Education in a strategic plan that, during its first four years of implementation, launched major initiatives and reforms of the education system in New Jersey.