Callpay is a free online money making App designed for the Android platforms from 4.4 to 9. Users can earn real cash and get never seen before deals every time they follow the actions shown in the advertisements post every incoming call on their smartphone or smart devices. The earnings made are convertible in Indian Rupee and completely redeemable in Paytm wallets.Features of Callpay:It's free.Earn 24 X 7.Aam aadmi application, language, gender, age are no barrier.Highly secured.Our official partner is Paytm and Google is our advertisement partner.Callpay shows Ads of various categories chosen by the users during every incoming call. Post the incoming call ends, user gets the options to watch and proceed with the Ad or simply close it.Callpay rewards money if the user chooses to watch the Ad and follows the procedure shown in the Advertisements. Following are the factors depending on which Callpay pays cash to the users:Watching Ads.Clicking on Ads.Downloading, installing App.Registering on App/ website.Purchasing certain items.Each install, register and clicks made on this money earning App, rewards cash which are convertible to Indian Rupees. To get exciting deals and earn from that follow few simple steps:Download from Google Play.Register with your mobile number (preferably the one linked with your Paytm account).Choose your favourite Ads categories from options like- finance, entertainment, sports, utilities, shopping, games, fitness etc.Now Ads will show-up on your device's screen featuring offers, discounts and various other deals from the categories you choose. By accessing those Ads, you can fill your pocket with hard cash which can anytime be withdrawn to your linked Paytm account in the batches of Rs.50 and Rs.100 with a daily withdrawal limit of Rs.100. Usage of earned cash in Callpay:Bill payments.Recharges.Making purchases.Availing various offers going on Paytm.Making payments at various places wherever Paytm is accepted.