Teacher of French (Acting Head of Department August>December 2018)
Helena College is an independent, co-educational private school in the Perth Hills with a focus on inquiry based learning. Our vision is to be a school where students are inspired to be the best they can be, where they are encouraged to develop the confidence, ability and passion to achieve their goals, and to have the skills and commitment to leave a positive footprint on the world. Situated in the picturesque Hills district of Perth, Western Australia, at the crest of the Darling Range, the College provides an enjoyable learning environment. The Senior School campus is adjacent to the John Forrest National Park in Glen Forrest and the Junior School campus is on Ryecroft Rd Darlington, where the original school house still stands. The College is well placed for families in the communities of the Mundaring Shire, with easy access from Kalamunda, Maida Vale, Guildford, Midland and regions to the north around Gidgegannup and York.