VP Corporate Communications at Pure Transplant Solutions, L.L.C - Austin, Texas, United States
Pure Transplant Solutions, LLC (PTS) is a biotechnology company whose goal is to reduce and potentially eliminate both chronic and acute Antibody Remediated Rejection (AMR) in organ transplants (including kidney, liver, heart, lung and pancreas) and in tissue transplants.Complications arising from Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) antibody incompatibility are a cause for both acute and chronic AMR. PTS, in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, is harnessing over a decade of groundbreaking research in HLA proteins to deliver novel and patient specific immunotherapeutic and diagnostic products. PTS expects these products will be the first and only products that identify and remove only the patient's Donor Specific Antibodies (DSA) without compromising their immune system.