Golsan Scruggs is an insurance brokerage firm operating throughout the United States specializing in registered investment advisor (RIA), private equity/hedge fund and mutual fund professional liability (E&O/D&O) insurance.As one of the largest insurers of RIA firms in the U.S., we have a dedicated staff that understands the risks of the financial services industry and delivers superior results. We make the underwriting process painless.Golsan Scruggs has developed an RIA risk assessment called RIASURE. Our RIASURE Review will analyze your fiduciary exposures, provide rate details and comparisons, and provide a contract comparison.RISK REVIEWOne of our managing underwriters will provide a Report Analysis of your firm's unique fiduciary exposures.PREMIUM ANALYSISGolsan Scruggs will provide you rate details and comparisons for the fiduciary insurance marketplace.CONTRACT COMPARISONNo two professional liability policies are alike. What are the issues and implications found in the fine print?At Golsan Scruggs, we believe it is incumbent upon us to earn the right to be appointed as your insurance and risk-management agent. Our RIASURE process exists to serve that purpose.To obtain your complimentary RIASURE Review, please contact us at (800)273-5883.