Alkaline for Life® was founded by Medical Anthropologist, Clinical Nutritionist and Author, Dr. Susan Brown, who has pioneered the natural approach to bone health for over 40 years. Through her work with bone health, she realized the value pH balance had for maintaining bone health and optimum health.Our mission is to create greater health and harmony in the world through expanded awareness of pH balance.Our goal is to encourage recovery of optimum pH balance in the human body and in our ecology.Alkaline for Life® encourages mineral repletion for the human body and for our "extended body," the environment. Even a slight tilt toward acidity in the environment, or in our bodies, suggests mineral depletion.Alkaline for Life® seeks to work with nature to reestablish an ideal biochemical terrain in our bodies for optimum cellular functioning, total body health, and social harmony.Dr. Susan Brown Talks About Our Mission at Alkaline for Life®: