The Bruno Visentini Foundation (FBV) is an Italian non-profit organisation, situated in the heart of Rome, Italy. The Foundation's primary focus is to analyse the main socio-economic problems facing the Italian economic system and come up with viable solutions, working with both profit and non-profit organisations, with the overarching aim to promote and influence political debate within the country. The foundation aims to integrate the legal dimension with the economic one, both in terms of basic and applied research; the former is currently under-developed in Italy and the latter that is contingent on the development of basic research. The Foundation works in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities, research centres and is institutionally linked to LUISS Guido Carli University – through services offered by one of its most prestigious centres: the CERADI-Research Centre for Business Law. The research activity of the Foundation proposes to analyse, under an interdisciplinary approach, the current economic trends, through an assessment of impacts, both ex ante and ex post, and in relation to reconciling "the system" of legal rules destined to govern it. The Foundation's activity is geared towards providing highly qualified and competitive services for companies and non-profit institutions. The Foundation is committed to professional and managerial training in the economic and legal field, with the aim of developing the scientific and professional skills of young researchers by offering training through concrete experience.