Camille Sutton

Marketing Director at FungoMan LLC - Shreveport, LA, US

Camille Sutton's Contact Details
Dallas,Texas,United States
FungoMan LLC
Camille Sutton's Company Details
FungoMan LLC logo, FungoMan LLC contact details

FungoMan LLC

Shreveport, LA, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment

FungoMan, the Automated Baseball Pitching & Fielding Machine, simply controlled by a coach friendly wireless tablet, providing accurate, repetitive, and timely practice for all players. We design, manufacture, and sell the simplest, most technologically advanced, portable and durable programmable practice machines, and the services that extend from those machines to every professional, amateur, college, high school, and youth league markets.The FM-250 Automated Baseball Practice Machine was developed to suit the needs of professional, college, high school and youth leagues where every minute of practice is important.No more coaching from behind the machine, or searching for a way to avoid popping a ball up or hitting one over there.FungoMan keeps you in the game and allows coaches the freedom to communicate and instruct, simulate previously played games, have multiple players included in one drill or create their own drills and situations specific to their team needs.

The FM-250 Automated Baseball Practice Machine The FM-250S Automated Softball Practice Machine Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment Sports Clubs Managers and Promoters Sports
Details about FungoMan LLC
Frequently Asked Questions about Camille Sutton
Camille Sutton currently works for FungoMan, Precision Sports Robotics LLC.
Camille Sutton's role at FungoMan, Precision Sports Robotics LLC is Marketing Director.
Camille Sutton's email address is *** To view Camille Sutton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Camille Sutton works in the Sports industry.
Camille Sutton's colleagues at FungoMan LLC are Christine Cucjen, Daniel Cucjen, Daniel Graafsma, Romy Cucjen and others.
Camille Sutton's phone number is 318-775-0000
See more information about Camille Sutton