Candace Warner

Founder/CEO at people3, Inc. - Nashville, TN, US

Candace Warner's Contact Details
Nashville,Tennessee,United States
people3, Inc.
Candace Warner's Company Details
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people3, Inc.

Nashville, TN, US • 5 - 9 Employees
Professional Services software

People3 is a data-driven benefit corporation that provides diversity training, cultural competency-centered research, consulting, and professional training services to small, medium, and large organizations across private, non-profit, and government sectors to facilitate cultural competency and inclusion.The goal of people3 is to assist organizations in the navigation of diversity and cultural differences among organization members and employees, as well as the customers or population groups they serve.People3 can help teams navigate a range of people differences, including gender, race, ethnicity, language, culture, sexuality, religion, socioeconomic status, and disabilities.People3 offers diversity and cultural competency centered one-on-one coaching opportunities for individual employees, group exchange sessions and training, cultural competency assessments and training, work-culture consulting, intercultural learning experiences, and (forthcoming) online learning modules.

training consulting diversity training cultural competency leadership training intercultural learning experiences managerial training cultural sensitivity respectful workplace individual coaching demographic research cultural competency assessments
Details about people3, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Candace Warner
Candace Warner currently works for people3, Inc..
Candace Warner's role at people3, Inc. is Founder/CEO.
Candace Warner's email address is *** To view Candace Warner's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Candace Warner works in the Professional Training & Coaching industry.
Candace Warner's colleagues at people3, Inc. are Candace Warner, Candace Ph.D., Joseph Cook, Dawn Stone, Celese Gierhart, Amiee Sadler, Victor Garcia and others.
Candace Warner's phone number is 615-340-6896
See more information about Candace Warner