Candi Shepherd

Executive Assistant at A. Anthony Corp - Charlotte, NC, US

Candi Shepherd's Contact Details
Charlotte,North Carolina,United States
A. Anthony Corp
Candi Shepherd's Company Details
A. Anthony Corp logo, A. Anthony Corp contact details

A. Anthony Corp

Charlotte, NC, US • 100 - 249 Employees
Real Estate

A Anthony Corp focuses on the management of commercial real estate properties with particular emphasis on end to end facilities management, real estate oversight, and the securing and upkeep of foreclosed bank owned properties. AAC operates both domestically and internationally with our corporate headquarters located in Charlotte, North Carolina and a state-of-the-art Operations Center located in Johnson City, New York. We currently manage 300 million square feet of real estate in 15 thousand locations around the world. Clients include some of the top Fortune 500 companies as well as federal and federally sponsored government institutions.DISTRIBUTIONKraftNabiscoBANKINGBank of the WestFederal Trust BankEDUCATIONBinghamton UniversityRETAILA.J. WrightHome GoodsT.J.MaxxUnited RentalsWegmansWhole Foods MANUFACTURINGBreakstone's CaprisunFrito-layKraftMaxwell HouseOreoPlantersGOVERNMENTUS Department of HUDFDICUS Postal ServiceFEMAUS Department of Homeland Security CORPORATE Ingersoll RandIBMMicrosoftCB Richard EllisEMCORFacilities Knowledge CenterABMGrubb & EllisDellJuniper Communications

Facility Management Excellent Customer Service! Asset Management Culture of Accountability B2B Real Estate Real Estate Agents and Managers
Details about A. Anthony Corp
Frequently Asked Questions about Candi Shepherd
Candi Shepherd currently works for A. Anthony Corp..
Candi Shepherd's role at A. Anthony Corp. is Executive Assistant.
Candi Shepherd's email address is *** To view Candi Shepherd's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Candi Shepherd works in the Real Estate industry.
Candi Shepherd's colleagues at A. Anthony Corp are Anthony Serdula, Adrienne Anthony, Max Romero, Fina ImbrendaPolitano, Brett Luckey, Kathy Pastrick, David Harkness and others.
Candi Shepherd's phone number is 800-818-4563
See more information about Candi Shepherd