Electrical Electronic Engineer at Mekatronik Engineering & Construction - , Ankara, Turkey
Our Group started its business operations in 1986 as a mechanical systems subcontractor under the business name Şengüler İnşaat Ltd. Şti. Güler Teknik changed its corporate structure in 1993 to establish Şengüler İnşaat Ltd. Şti. in order to offer the services of higher quality. Both Güler Teknik and also Şengüler İnşaat successfully carried out the mechanical system applications of many projects.As a result of the rapid development of building technologies, it has become necessary to install the mechanical systems and electrical systems as a whole. Recognizing this reality, our Group adopted a more professional structure in 2005 and included electrical engineering applications among its business lines together with the newly recruited engineers as part of the establishment of MEKATRONİK İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİK A.Ş. as an electromechanical company. MEKATRONİK İNŞAAT MÜHENDİSLİK A.Ş. combined the experience and knowledge of its founders and employees with its dynamic structure and the company has been successfully implementing the automation systems and mechanical and electrical installation applications within the scope of any kind of local and international projects assumed.Our Group's main policy is to deliver our customers economical, efficient, and environment friendly systems according to the relevant laws, regulations, and international specifications under our company's warranty and responsibility from designing stage until commissioning for the applications of any scale. Mekatronik İnşaat Mühendislik A.Ş. will keep making efforts to create a safer, healthier, and more viable future.We are looking forward to working with you…