StudySpot has been providing Academic Coaching to adolescent students in the GTA for the past 15 years. Our goal is to equip students with the tools they require to be effective students overall and to provide them with the opportunity for improvement that will last throughout their school lives.\\Our Academic Coaching service focuses on skill development as opposed to the re-teaching of content. Skills such as organization and time management, reading comprehension, written communication and study strategies are our typical areas of focus.\\For students with diagnosed learning disabilities, StudySpot's one-to-one academic coaching program is a natural and practical form of educational support. Our approach to executive and academic skills takes the recommendations of psycho-educational reports and ‘brings them to life'.\\We believe that motivating teenagers to change their academic behaviours usually requires the close relationship of a mentor or coach who is outside of the traditional parent/teacher role. It is the combination of our focus and our emphasis on a quality coaching relationship that differentiates our approach from the traditional tutoring support often sought by parents.