Created in Wyoming by renowned outdoorswoman, Cari Goss, Azyre is a women's hunting apparel brand launching in late 2019. After years of wearing gear that did not perform technically in the field or fit a woman's body, the Azyre team aims to use her expertise to create a hunting brand with crossover appeal into the general outdoor and athleisure categories.Skiing, running, yoga – all technical disciplines with a variety of technical apparel to make each activity more efficient and enjoyable while providing pn-trend, street style cross over. Sadly, the women's hunting community has not embraced this crossover with much of the women's market being served by men's brands following the outdated "shrink it and pink it" approach. This leaves many women left wearing men's clothing when participating in outdoor pursuits, or being subjected to poor quality, non-technical apparel that adds more sex appeal than function to their hunting apparel products.Azyre is technically driven with a women's fit in mind. Using our own custom camo prints, Azyre stands apart from the lackluster offerings and delivers women of the outdoors hunting apparel that is high-performance, of impeccable quality and style-savvy enough for crossover applications.Beyond the product, Azyre is a brand connecting to the emotional and physical investment of hunting and aims to create a community of brand enthusiasts working together to amplify the female voice in the hunting world while advocating for conservation and ethical practices within the sport.