Carla B.

Senior Digital Communications Specialist at Clean Energy Canada - Vancouver, B.C., CA

Carla B.'s Contact Details
Clean Energy Canada
Carla B.'s Company Details
Clean Energy Canada logo, Clean Energy Canada contact details

Clean Energy Canada

Vancouver, B.C., CA • 20 - 49 Employees

Clean Energy Canada is an initiative of the Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University, in Vancouver, British Columbia.We work to accelerate our nation's transition to clean and renewable energy systems. We do so by telling the story of the global shift to clean and low-carbon energy sources and conducting original research, hosting dialogues, and inspiring and informing policy leadership.We envision a future in which our nation has one of the most advanced energy systems in the world, having significantly reduced its carbon emissions by the middle of this century. In our vision, Canada has become a leader in clean and renewable energy production, consumption, and innovation—benefiting citizens socially, environmentally and economically.

Renewable energy Climate and energy policy Research and analysis Government relations Clean technology Energy transition
Details about Clean Energy Canada
Frequently Asked Questions about Carla B.
Carla B. currently works for Clean Energy Canada.
Carla B.'s role at Clean Energy Canada is Senior Digital Communications Specialist.
Carla B.'s email address is *** To view Carla B.'s full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Carla B. works in the Renewables & Environment industry.
Carla B.'s colleagues at Clean Energy Canada are Keri McNamara, Trevor Melanson, Dan Woynillowicz, Sarah Petrevan, Felix Whitton, Joanna Kyriazis, Lyndsey Easton and others.
Carla B.'s phone number is 604-947-2200
See more information about Carla B.