Founder, Director, Speaker and Education Consultant at The iDeaL Approach powered by Learning MATTERS - Te Awamutu, N/A, NZ
Learning MATTERS specialise in Structured Literacy and evidence-based support for children with literacy and maths learning differences. We are an evidence-based specialist education service. We are not a tutoring service. Our services are available during the school day to make the most of optimum learning times. In addition, we consult with schools and support them to implement Structured Literacy in classrooms (the iDeaL Approach), ensuring success for all children as well as embedding a consistent evidence-based pedagogy.Our philosophy is based on bridging the gap between neuroscience and education. We are your one stop shop for creating the alignment of evidence-based support for your child and students. Providing consultancy, resources and specialist support is our gig. We understand the complexities of how schools operate. We position ourselves to work alongside you to ensure successful teaching and learning takes place for your child and or your students. We're a passionate, professional body of educators. Being an approved institution of the New Zealand Teaching Council means our level of expertise and appraisal systems are second to none. We provide gold standard services in learning support for students who present with dyslexia and other literacy and mathematics learning differences. Our point of difference also lies in the professional learning we deliver to parents and teachers, such as Is it dyslexia? We help schools to build knowledge, expertise and pedagogy towards early identification and intervention of language-based learning differences such as dyslexia. We are committed to influencing evidence-based change in education for the better. Are you with us?