Equity & General Investments consultants have over 50 years combined experiences in assisting companies find Joint ventures through out the world:Our main fields of expertise are:• Gas & Oil fields• Coal Fields• Large scale Developments • Companies entering new markets: Europe – Middle East – Asia.Joint ventures, alliances, and other corporate forms of partnering are fuelling the growth of the world's most successful companies. The demand to deliver, or to get access to Joint venture companies more quickly, has never been greater. Joint ventures and other collaborative business arrangements are transforming how winning companies compete because they allow companies to enter new markets sectors, otherwise restricted to them.. Partnering is the quickest way to grow your company, You may require a partner in the country you are in or you may require a partner in a new country or particularly in times of change. Without implementing difficult and time-consuming internal changes, a partnering allows you to: * Move with certainty to seize opportunities before they disappear. * Respond more quickly to change. * Adapt with greater flexibility. * Increase your market share and profit. * Gain access to new markets or beat others to the market place. * Succeed when your company lacks key resources. Equity & General Investment's Knows someone Out ThereWho Has What You Require.