A Social First Company Lemion is a Company that's all about digital. A company that will revolutionize the way digital life is lived and integrated with businesses wanting to create there presence in the omni digital life of its customers... you! Lemion, pronounced as Lem me on!, about building an ecosystem of Businesses and Consumers that can connect, communicate and collaborate creating a real 'free' market place for both to interact. A platform that can start as a simple digital presence to a deeper digital engagement and finally to intense digital experience. Digital, the way we look at, is a far engaged customer with the businesses that meet his needs and preferences, in a non-intrusive, instantaneous and gratifying experience. Social First Work, Personal, Social – Consumers now seek a ‘social experience' of every interaction they would want to experience with our customers Personalized Experiences Professional, Emotional and Personal – We see Customers seeking experiences that match to their individual tastes & preferences Converged Access Tablets, Mobiles, Desktops, Smart Devices – We see a world where Customers expect continuity and simplicity in experience Online Everywhere The Dot is Green - Customers expect a ‘one life' & connected experience of technologies, where they live & relive their identities