Researcher at Instituto de Biocomputacion y Fisica de Sistemas Complejos - BIFI - Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain
BIFI is a research institute from the University of Zaragoza that promotes interdisciplinarity to face the big challenges of innovation and development. BIFI's main research areas are: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physics and Computing. BIFI hosts both fundamental and applied research, applying common techniques and multidisciplinary approaches to complex problems. In addition to the research in basic science, the promotion of technology transfer between university and industry is an essential goal for us. For this purpose, BIFI has the input of researchers from different fields, whose collaboration is producing important synergies. In particular supercomputing experts, physicists working in materials science, quantum chemistry and complex networks, and biologists working in structural problems, like drug development and protein folding. It hosts researchers from the Universidad de Zaragoza and other Spanish and foreign universities and aims at developing a competitive research in computation applied to physics of complex systems and biological systems. BIFI takes part on European Projects since FP6 and is currently involved in several ongoing European research projects. Check active job offers in Next event: Summer Course in Jaca (Spain) for Applied Computing 4-7 July (50€)