Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez

Director at RRC CPA Group, PSC - , Puerto Rico, United States

Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's Contact Details
["(787)848-0305","7878435500","(787) 840-5470","929-337-8740","(187) 843-5500","(787) 843-5500","787-834-3100","(7878435500)","787-843-5500","843-5500 / (787) 840-5470"]
Ponce,Ponce,Puerto Rico
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's Company Details
RRC CPA Group, PSC logo, RRC CPA Group, PSC contact details


, Puerto Rico, United States • 11 - 50 Employees

With the combined experience of more than 100 years of its partners, Juan Reyes-Ramis, CPA, CFE, José A. Colón Alvarez, CPA, Eric Rosaly Torres, CPA and Jaime Banchs Rodriguez, CPA and a dynamic work force of over 25 professionals, RRC CPA Group PSC provide its clients a full range of services including audit, tax, consulting, accounting and other specialized services. We compete with all major international and local public accounting firms in terms of leadership and value for your money.We believe in the concept of "working partners" that will guarantee that, regardless of your Company's size, our work will be carry out under the direct and personal supervision of one of our Partners and or the Audit Director.The cornerstone of our Firm philosophy is that our service to each client will be based on a thorough knowledge of its business and the industry in which operates. The success of this philosophy is measured by clients' satisfaction and referrals.

Details about RRC CPA Group, PSC
Frequently Asked Questions about Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez currently works for RRC CPA Group, PSC.
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's role at RRC CPA Group, PSC is Director.
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's email address is *** To view Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez works in the Accounting industry.
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's colleagues at RRC CPA Group, PSC are Rosa Alvarado, Abismael Rivera, Justino Santiago, Fransheska Rosa, Juan Pabey, Juan Ramis, Jaime Banchs and others.
Carlos Vazquez-Gonzalez's phone number is ["(787)848-0305","7878435500","(787) 840-5470","929-337-8740","(187) 843-5500","(787) 843-5500","787-834-3100","(7878435500)","787-843-5500","843-5500 / (787) 840-5470"]
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