VB Attorneys is a Personal Injury Law firm based out of Houston, Texas. Founded by Brian Beckcom and Vuk Vujasinovic, we have 3 Board Certified attorneys as well as 3 fantastic associate attorneys. Our firm works with people who have been seriously injured due to the negligence of another person or a company. If you have been injured in a car accident, on the job, working offshore, as a Jones Act seaman, or by a defective product, you need to know how to protect yourself and your family.The insurance companies are not on your side - neither is the company. These companies focus on making a profit, not on making you better. You need to know your legal rights so you can get the compensation you deserve. Go to https://vbattorneys.com/get-your-free-copy-how-win-your-injury-case/ to download our FREE guide so you can learn your legal rights.Get our weekly newsletter full of helpful information delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up here: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/vbattorneys