The Kletjian Foundation builds collaborative networks and supports entrepreneurial leaders that promote global health equity. WE BUILD COLLABORATIVE NETWORKSAt the Kletjian Foundation, we believe in the power of relationships. We connect people across sectors, institutions, and oceans to provide opportunities for breakthrough interactions. We pride ourselves on our ability to create space for untethered discussions of unusual ideas. One great example of this is our annual Global Surgery Forum. The Forum brings together leaders in the field of global health from medical, business, and academic institutions throughout Boston.WE SUPPORT ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSThe Kletjian Foundation invests in people. We seek out entrepreneurial thinkers with entrepreneurial approaches to global health challenges. We tend to fund people whose ideas fall outside of the purview of traditional global health philanthropists. When we hear phrases like "neglected stepchild of global health," our spider-senses tingle.WE PROMOTE GLOBAL HEALTH EQUITYAdvocacy is central to the Kletjian Foundation's mission. In addition to supporting people and organizations directly, the foundation also works to attract other funders and philanthropists to low-profile, but high-impact, work. We strive to make philanthropy more democratic.