Departamento Financiero at MULTIVAC Production Spain, S.L.U. - Sant Cebrià de Vallalta, Catalunya, Spain
MULTIVAC is a leading provider worldwide of packaging solutions for food, medical and pharmaceutical products as well as industrial and consumer goods. The product portfolio includes thermoforming packaging machines, traysealers, vacuum chamber machines, labellers, printers as well as components for quality inspection and automation – right up to integrated packaging lines.The MULTIVAC Group has more than 5.100 employees worldwide, at the headquater in Wolfertschwenden are working ca. 1.900 people. With more than 80 subsidiaries the company is represented in all continents. More than 1,000 sales advisors and service technicians throughout the world use their know-how and experience to the benefit of the customers, and they ensure that all installed MULTIVAC machines are utilised to their maximum. The market position of the MULTIVAC Group is built on innovative, state of the art technology as well as comprehensive product expertise and many years of experience in this field.