Professional Appointments CC specialises in the recruitment and selection of all categories of permanent and temporary staff. Our services include a wide range of Human Resources Management and Development solutions. Blossom Durie established Professional Appointments CC in 1985 with the view of providing organisations with permanent and temporary staff. Collectively the consultants have over 46 years experience in the recruitment industry. We provide sourcing, selection and placement of qualified and experienced candidates on permanent and temporary\contract basis in the following areas:• Marketing (Junior, Middle and Senior Management Levels)• Logistics and Planning Management (Junior and Senior) • Human Resources and support functions (Junior and senior Management)• Quality Management/Assurance• Engineering (Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical/Electronics and Civil)• Artisans/Technical• Merchant and Commercial Banking• Financial (Management and Clerical)• Administration and office support• Call Centre Customer Response Consultants• Temporary and contract staff (across the board)We thank you for the opportunity to introduce Professional Appointments to your organisation and look forward to a mutually beneficial Business Relationship.Yours Sincerely BLOSSOM DURIEMANAGING MEMBER