That Others May Live Foundation provides critical support, scholarships, and immediate tragedy assistance for the families of United States Air Force Rescue Heroes who are killed or severely wounded in operational or training missions.Our core programs are (1) Tragedy Assistance, (2) Post-Secondary Scholarship, (3) Warfighter Support and (4) Visible and Invisible Wounds.The Foundation is not endorsed by the USAF and receives no federal funding. As a result, TOMLF relies on charitable donations from individuals and other philanthropic sources to support its mission.The TOMLF Board of Directors, Staff and volunteers is proud to have earned a 2018 Platinum Seal of Transparency from Guidestar, which is an information service reporting on over 2.5 million U.S. nonprofit organizations.Donations to That Others May Live Foundation may be made at our website, and are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.