We take a personalized, hands on approach to your vacation by contacting the resort directly prior to your travel dates. By leveraging our relationships at the resort you want to vacation at, our goal is to make your vacation the very best it can be. We will work with you on a personal, one on one basis throughout the planning process all the way through your welcome home to make sure you get exactly what you want. If you decide to use a internet travel source such as Travelocity or vacations to go, you will most likely not talk to the same agent twice. Many of these companies now employ call center personnel located in foreign countries half way around the globe. If something goes wrong, or you need something changed, you can expect to be placed on hold and or go through several people explaining the situation over and over again with less and less understanding or concern for your problem with every change of operators. When you choose to make travel arrangements with Island Breeze Travel, you will have the peace of mind in knowing any situations that may arise will be handled by one person, with one phone call. In addition, you can be assured your issue will be a top priority and we will not stop until your issue is resolved to your satisfaction.Wherever you may roam, make no mistake about it, we will leverage our contacts at the resorts, call in favors from our friends and strive to make sure you are always treated as a V.I.P.