The BIG Idea:Organizations invest an incredible amount of time and money to ensure their managers and staff have the tangible technical skills needed to be effective at their jobs and successfully serve their clients. However, what is often missed is uncovering and nurturing intangible "soft skills"—attitudes, beliefs, relationships, emotions, world-views, motivators, and energy. Through our research at Strategic Talent Management, we've discovered these soft skills can be accurately and scientifically measured. By shining a bright light on individuals or groups, we accurately identify why people do what they do then develop an action plan for positive results. The BIG Results:By using these scientific methods, it is possible to predict high performance exceeding 95% accuracy. As a direct result, hiring selection accuracy and alignment to an organization's culture and business goals are dramatically more successful. Employee retention, as well as the percentage of employees who are high performers, improves and are excellent predictors of your business growth rate, market share and return on capital. Once the key twenty percent of your business talent is aligned in this way, you are primed to Transform your Business into a High Profit Organization.