Chairperson at Mid-America Asian Culture Association - Overland Park, Kansas, United States
MAACA, the Mid-America Asian Culture Association, is a non-political, non-religious, and a non-profit 501(c) (3) tax exempt organization whose mission is to promote cultural awareness, socialization, to develop common interests, and to bring famous Asian attractions to the Kansas City area metropolitan area. By organizing and providing various cultural and educational programs such as cultural show, martial arts education class, occupation training and more, MAACA focuses on building better relationships between the Kansas City metropolitan area and Asian Cultures. Looking ahead, MAACA is planning a series of activities that will continue the expansion and appreciation of cultural diversity. With the strong support and collaboration between all who love and support our multi-ethnic communtity, MAACA believes Kansas City will be a better place for generations to proud with. MAACA is looking for your participation, valuable feedback, suggestions and comment. We can be reached by email at