Now you can quickly calculate and compare the minimum guaranteed income available today or any number of years into the future on both fixed indexed and variable annuities using our online research tool. As the popularity of living benefit riders has grown in recent years, the number of these products has proliferated. To find the right fit for each client, agents and advisors face the time-consuming task of comparing the features of each insurance company's offerings.Before the Living Benefit Calculator, that comparison meant hours or even days spent requesting and waiting for information packets and illustrations, then identifying the advantages and disadvantages among them. And since these riders are revised frequently by the insurers, the review process would have to be repeated frequently to ensure that any recommendations made were still suitable. Importantly, the Living Benefit Calculator doesn't just return columns of figures that you then have to take the time and effort to compare. Using powerful algorithms, the Living Benefit Calculator solves for the minimum guaranteed benefit (assuming zero investment performance), showing you results based on the criteria you enter and instantly revealing the products you may wish to consider in more detail for each client. Our team is constantly researching and refreshing our comprehensive database of the carriers' available programs, so your review will be as accurate and timely as possible.