HomeAid Houston, a 501(c)(3) charity sponsored by the Greater Houston Builders Association, identifies long term, stable homeless care providers who need additional capacity and pairs them with GHBA builders, vendors and suppliers who donate their time, materials and labor to help build transitional homeless shelters. Our agencies serve those who are homeless:-Women in Crisis Pregnancy-Victims of Domestic Violence and Spousal Desertion-Abused Children-Mentally Challenged-Adults Living with HIV/AIDS-Families & individuals Homeless as a result of job loss or catastrophic illness-Individuals and families suffering from drug and alcohol abuse-Male & Female VeteransIn addition, HomeAid Houston serves as a housing developer and liaison between homeless care providers, the community at large, volunteers, residential builders, remodelers and developers and their suppliers and vendors. If you are an agency that provides care for temporarily homeless families and individuals, click here.Since 2003, HomeAid Houston has added 400 beds to the Houston homeless community, providing days and nights of care for over 5000 men, women and children. The agency is currently working on several major construction projects as well as many HomeAid Care projects.By 2020, HomeAid Houston will have added 600 beds and $12 million in housing and improvements to Houston's homeless community, by being the residential construction resource of choice for all homeless care providers in the greater Houston area.