CEP is an educational network of supportive program professionals dedicated to provide enhanced support group management, aftercare, and continuing education to impaired or affected healthcare professionals. CEP strives to meet the need of our participating healthcare professionals in all areas in the continuum of care towards their process of recovery.Our PURPOSEThe purpose of Caduceus Educational Partners, Inc. is to provide enriching, positive, and supportive learning encounters for affected professionals at all areas in the continuum of care, participation, and education.Our MISSIONCaduceus Educational Partners is committed to provide State Practitioner Assistance Programs, their facilitators and participants, with educational excellence, leadership development, and quality services which promote growth and mutual success personally and professionally.Our VISIONIt is our Vision to provide distinguished educational support services that will uphold and increase our position ofrespect within the community of professionals that we serve.Our VALUESPride and confidence in our abilities and servicesRespect for Clients, professionals and staffIntegrity in our business standardsDignity with distinction for qualityEthical business is a priority