Flux ip is a business created to serve the needs of PCT patent applicants. Our role is to co-ordinate the national phase entry (also called national stage entry) of your PCT patent application. This is an essential (but often expensive) process in which your patent application is filed with national patent offices of the countries for which you require patent protection.Normally, the national phase entry of your PCT patent application is handled by your regular patent attorney. Your attorney will instruct foreign patent attorney firms to attend to national phase entry formalities on your behalf. The foreign attorney firms chosen by your attorney are often firms with which he or she has an existing reciprocal business relationship. Flux ip is a highly cost-effective alternative to the national phase entry services provided by your regular attorney. We are dedicated to providing a world class national phase entry service, while delivering savings of up to 50% off fees expected from a traditional patent attorney firm.When using the services of Flux ip, your regular attorney will continue to be a part of the patenting process as he or she will facilitate grant of your application after national phase entry has been completed.Flux ip is being created by highly experienced registered patent attorneys, and we only instruct quality, cost-conscious attorney firms to look after your interests in foreign jurisdictions.